126K Veterans Reached

178 Teachers Trained

110 Cities

7 Graduate Classes
FREE 14-day Online Yoga Challenge
In partnership with Amazon Military, VETOGA and VETOGANATION, we're excited for our next yoga challenge. This Yoga Challenge focuses on mental health and wellness. You will receive daily tips and techniques that will help you feel healthier through foundational yoga practices.
Join the Yoga Challenge NOW

Hear What Other Veterans Say About Us
Paul Masella, Navy veteran and VETOGA 2021 graduate
How You Can Help A Veteran Like PaulVETOGA Wellness Center
Release. Healing. Community.

Corporate Yoga Challenges
Branded, scalable and online wellness programs for 100 - 100,000+ employees. Great addition to your current health programs or recruiting bonus. Everything is done for you for your employees.

Online Wellness Programs
Recurring monthly holistic wellness program with live Q&A support, Aryuvedic practices, and weekly releases of other yoga teachings. Available online at your convenience.

Wellness and Yoga Retreats
Enjoy this beautiful oasis to get away and rejuvenate! Want a get away for your executives or high-performing employees? How about sponsoring 15 - 20 veterans for a healing retreat?

Business Academy
Coming soon! Business courses for veterans to learn current business tools and techniques that are working NOW to achieve financial freedom.
Yoga Teacher
VETOGA's teacher trainings equip veterans with the holistic tools and teachings to pass on the healing power of yoga with 200-hr and 300-hr certifications.

Proven 4 Easy Steps To Ease Emotional Pain
Master the inner mind game and transform from trauma and pain!